Delivery Information

Shipping & Delivery Policy

We want to get things to you as quickly as humanly possible.

Our primary shipping service is e-commerce courier partners and we also use the Indian postal service. Here is the list of shipping rates as per the weight.

  • We charge a shipping rate of Rs 70 for all deliveries in the standard shipping section, which is up to 0.5kg.
  • From 0.5kg to 2kg the rate is Rs 95
  • For the large goods shipping section which ranges from 2kg to 3kg the shipping rate is Rs 155
  • In the case of heavy goods shipping which ranges from 3kg to 4kg, the cost of shipping is Rs 199.
  • Large and Heady goods shipping ranges from 4 kg to 5 kg, the shipping costs are Rs 250
  • Very Heavy Goods shipping ranges from 5 to 6 kg, the shipping rate is Rs Rs 270
  • Very Large Goods shipping ranges from 6 to 7 kg, the shipping rate is Rs Rs 320
  • Heavy and Large Goods Shipping ranges from 7 to 8 kg, the shipping rate is Rs Rs 350.

          As of now, we provide the shipping facility for products ordered up to 7.9 kg.

Delivery Time

The product will be delivered within a minimum of 5 business days across Kerala and 10 days across India.

Delivery Time is dependent on 2 factors:

  • Availability

Every product detail’s page will show a value similar to “Usually Ships in 2-3 days”. It is also noted in the Shopping Cart and informs you of how quickly an item will be ready to ship out. For example, some items will ship within 24 hours, others in a couple of days, while some may take as many as several weeks (especially custom products). The “Availability” value is an estimate. We do our best to ship items out as quickly as possible, so we often get orders out more quickly than is noted by the “Availability” time frame, but please do not count on that.

  • Business days

Additionally, please note that the delivery time is also based on “business days”. For example, if you place an order on Sunday, it’s impossible for us to ship an item the same day as all the shippers are closed.

Delivery Policy

We ship & Deliver products in polythene covers, glass bottles, and pet bottles. The packages will be properly wrapped in bubble packing and cased in carton boxes.

In case, if the products are found damaged while it reaches your hands, then u should shipping back and you are free to request for a new order or refund.

International Shipping

As of now, we do not take up international delivery. We are working on it, will soon update you once we launch this service.

For any queries on Shipping & Delivery, feel free to connect with us at;

Mobile: +91 9447014106, 9947246698
Email: [email protected]

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